Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm not going to lie, I've been pretty bummed

When I would get sad or upset about anything going on, I would go for a run, workout or something. I'm pretty limited in what I can do now, so the depression builds and builds and has no where to go. And this weekend hasn't helped. It's musicfest, I can't enjoy it. And my friends get so drunk at night that they forget or don't care to call me. Makes me feel pretty shitty and alone.

On a positive note, I start physical therapy. I'm at 70 degrees of flexion, but I have no strength on my left leg. I can't lift my leg straight up without the immobilizer on. And there is no muscle to flex. In three weeks I will hopefully regain some muscle and get to 90 degrees of flexion.

I'll be at therapy twice a week... I'll have updates after that. I really miss being active. I've been reading facebook updates of those who ran at the Flying Pig. I'm jealous of you all, but my ultimate goal is to run the full Flying Pig one year from now. I'm going to work hard to get there... Just need to regain muscle function by then.

1 comment:

  1. far is the Flying Pig? Perhaps I will train with you in spirit...and in much less impressive fashion. I need to set a running goal myself...
