Monday, April 19, 2010

I hope this makes me more informed and not sound elitist

I'm reading Food, Inc, and it is fascinating. I recommend it, not just to scare you into eating healthy, but to become informed, or at least more conscious. Other books to consider are The Omnivore's Dilemma, The Organic Manifesto, and Fast Food Nation. I'm hoping that putting these theories into practice now might translate into healthier decision later in life for myself and my family.

Check out these websites: - farms, stores, or restaurant near us - farmers markets - questions to ask a farmer - labeling fact sheet


  1. If grain-fed beef was fed grass for its final WEEK of life before slaughter, something like 85% of all E. Coli potential in beef would be eliminated. When you see families that have lost children to E. Coli (in say, "Food Inc.") you have to ask why this isn't status quo.

    Then you remember this is America-- more, more, more... quicker, quicker, quicker.

    It's heartbreaking...
